quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2018

segunda-feira, 9 de julho de 2018

Saiba o significado da cor é castanho.

Significado do Castanho
O castanho traz esse nome como uma referência natural e precisa à cor da casca da castanha. Sua tonalidade é uma mistura de cor de terra e cor de madeira. O castanho é a cor da terra por excelência. Significa maturidade, consciência e responsabilidade. Está ainda associada ao conforto (o bege pode ser considerado como um castanho claro), à estabilidade, à resistência e simplicidade.
O castanho representa a constância, a disciplina, a uniformidade e a observação das regras. Conecta a pessoa à natureza e à terra. Usado em excesso traz autocrítica exagerada, dependência afetiva e isolamento.
Castanho emana a impressão de algo maciço, denso, compacto. Sugere segurança e solidez. É a cor do outono, do recolhimento, e portanto estamos acostumados a associà-lo ao conforto que buscamos frente ao frio.

Kkkkk Foi por lago

Kkkkkk os caras foram parar na lagoa.

domingo, 8 de julho de 2018


Então siga abaixo algumas dicas simples, para aplicar no no seu dia a dia:
  1. Toque seu namorado: Mantenha sempre um contato com seu namorado, um abraço apertado, um beijo mais intenso, caminhar de mãos dadas e sempre tenha contado visual, são coisas simples assim que ajudam na hora da conquista. Faça comida para ele: Não é o simples ato de cozinhar para ele que irá conquistar de vez seu namorado, mas o fato de se dedicar e talvez fazer pratos que ele goste para apreciar e passar um tempo juntos, pode ser uma ajuda extra para tocar de vez o coração do seu amado. Como conquistar meu Namorado. Deixe recadinhos românticos: Muitos casais assim que começam de namorar, deixam de fazer muitas coisas que antes faziam, essa atitude faz com que o relacionamento caia na rotina, e isso pode prejudicar o andamento do relacionamento. Para modificar isso mande mensagens carinhosas e até mesmo mais travessas, deixe na casa dele recadinhos amorosos que ajudam a intensificar ainda mais o sentimento dos dois. Respeite o espaço dele: Todo ser humano precisa de um espaço individual, e isso deve ser respeitado, para que o relacionamento permaneça harmonioso e saudável. Como conquistar meu Namorado. Tenha autoestima: A autoestima ajudará a manter o seu relacionamento saudável e harmonioso, os homens gostam e admiram as mulheres seguras, a baixa estima pode afetar diretamente o seu parceiro e fazer ele querer se afastar. Faça viagens ou encontros: nos finais de semana ou feriados planeje fazer viagens com seu namorado para intensificar a relação, também é possível promover encontros diferenciados, que ajudam a apimentar e intensificar o relacionamento. A importância do bom humor no relacionamento. Muitas vezes as pessoas pensam que o bom humor não tem valor nenhum em um relacionamento, mas estão muito enganadas. Um casal bem-humorado demonstra claramente que o relacionamento está alinhado funcionando da maneira correta e cada vez mais intenso. Para muitos, na hora da conquista o parceiro ser bem-humorado é mais importante do que todas as formas de sedução, que possa imaginar, o bom humor é mais que essencial em qualquer relacionamento. Como conquistar meu Namorado. Um relacionamento precisa de muitos fatores para funcionar e se fortalecer a cada dia, o bom humor é um desses fatores, e ele ajuda a manter a relação mais leve, harmoniosa e saudável. O bom humor também ajuda o casal a lidar com aquelas imensas dificuldades que surgem no dia a dia. A importância da Sedução no relacionamento Logicamente que a sedução e a arte da conquista são importantes diariamente. Afinal como já foi dito um relacionamento é feito de atitudes diárias e de manter a chama acesa. E essa atitude deve ser cada vez mais cultivada para que o relacionamento não acabe caindo na rotina. No ritmo acelerado que vivemos é muito difícil sempre estarmos bem-humoradas e com disposição para seduzir o parceiro. Principalmente por que nem sempre você irá encontrá-lo no clima. Mas é preciso sempre estarmos atentas a cada detalhe no relacionamento por mais difícil que possa parecer. Valorizando e demostrando o que sentimos para a pessoa com quem estamos, essa atitude é muito importante para intensificar o sentimento e manter a chama acesa e intensa. O amor é algo delicado que necessita de certa dedicação e valorização de ambas as partes para que dê certo. E ainda é preciso rega-lo como se fosse uma planta para que fortaleça e futuramente floresça. Tudo no início de um relacionamento é muito intenso e depois vai acalmando isso é até normal. Mas o que não podemos permitir é que a acomodação deixe a chama se apagar. É preciso sempre estar usando maneiras diversificadas para apimentar a relação e intensificar cada vez mais o sentimento. Lembrando sempre que dar espaço ao seu parceiro também é essencial. Dica de OURO !!! Se você acredita que a rotina estragou o seu relacionamento. Se você não sabe mais o que fazer, para reacender aquela chama do início do relacionamento. Se você já tentou de tudo, mas o seu parceiro ou ex não reage aos seus estímulos. Então veja esses depoimentos abaixo, e eu já te explico como isso aconteceu !!! Depoimento 2 Como conquistar meu Namorado Existem alguns casos onde o relacionamento se desgasta tanto ao ponto de você acreditar que tudo acabou não tem mais volta. Infelizmente os nossos erros nos pune severamente quando se trata de uma relação a dois. E por esse motivo deixei essa dica por último, pois ela se trata de algo muito delicado , e só vale a pena caso você realmente AMA esse HOMEM. Existe um método que irá fazer com que o seu parceiro volte a te amar como antigamente. Essas mulheres estavam desesperadas e não acreditavam que existia uma solução como essa. E ficaram completamente perplexas quando descobriram os verdadeiros Segredos da Conquista. Se trata de uma técnica muito avançada, estuda por psicólogos e profissionais da área dos RELACIONAMENTOS E se você deseja aplicar essa técnica no seu relacionamento.

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2016


Termos e condições do AdSensePara começar a exibir anúncios, leia e aceite nossos Termos e Condições abaixo.Google AdSense Online Terms of Service1. Welcome to AdSense!Thanks for your interest in our search and advertising services (the “Services”)! By using our Services, you agree to these terms (the “AdSense Terms”), the AdSense Programme Policies, and the Google Branding Guidelines (collectively, the “Agreement”). If ever in conflict, to the extent of such conflict, the AdSense Terms will take precedence over any other terms of the Agreement. Please read the Agreement carefully.As used in the Agreement, “you” or “publisher” means the individual or entity using the Services (and/or any individual, entity or successor entity, agency or network acting on your behalf), “we”, “us” or “Google” means Google Ireland Ltd., and the “parties” means you and Google. 2. Access to the Services; AdSense AccountsYour use of the Services is subject to your creation and our approval of an AdSense account (an “Account”). We have the right to refuse or limit your access to the Services. By submitting an application to use the Services, if you are an individual, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age. You may only have one Account. By enrolling in AdSense, you permit Google to serve, as applicable, (i) advertisements and other content (“Ads”), (ii) Google search boxes and search results and (iii) related search queries and other links to your websites, mobile applications, media players, mobile content and/or other properties approved by Google (each individually a “Property”). In addition, you grant Google the right to access, index and cache the Properties, or any portion thereof, including by automated means. Google may refuse to provide the Services to any Property.Any Property that is a software application and accesses our Services (a) may require preapproval by Google in writing, and (b) must comply with Google’s Software Principles.3. Using our ServicesYou may use our Services only as permitted by this Agreement and any applicable laws. Don’t misuse our Services. For example, don’t interfere with our Services or try to access them using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide.You may discontinue your use of any Service at any time by removing the relevant code from your Properties. 4. Changes to our Services; Changes to the AgreementWe are constantly changing and improving our Services. We may add or remove functionalities or features of the Services at any time, and we may suspend or stop a Service altogether.We may modify the Agreement at any time. We’ll post any modifications to the AdSense Terms on this page and any modifications to the AdSense Programme Policies or the Google Branding Guidelines on their respective pages. Changes will not apply retroactively and generally will become effective 14 days after they are posted. However, changes addressing new functions for a Service or changes made for legal reasons will be effective immediately. If you don’t agree to any modified terms in the Agreement, you’ll have to stop using the affected Services.5. PaymentsSubject to this Section 5 and Section 10 of these AdSense Terms, you will receive a payment related to the number of valid clicks on Ads displayed on your Properties, the number of valid impressions of Ads displayed on your Properties, or other valid events performed in connection with the display of Ads on your Properties, in each case as determined by Google. Except in the event of termination, we will pay you by the end of the calendar month following any calendar month in which the earned balance in your Account equals or exceeds the applicable payment threshold. If you implement search Services, our payments may be offset by any applicable fees for such Services.Unless expressly authorised in writing by Google, you may not enter into any type of arrangement with a third party where that third party receives payments made to you under the Agreement or other financial benefit in relation to the Services.Payments will be calculated solely based on our accounting. Payments to you may be withheld to reflect or adjusted to exclude any amounts refunded or credited to advertisers and any amounts arising from invalid activity, as determined by Google in its sole discretion. Invalid activity is determined by Google in all cases and includes, but is not limited to, (i) spam, invalid queries, invalid impressions or invalid clicks on Ads generated by any person, bot, automated programme or similar device, including through any clicks or impressions originating from your IP addresses or computers under your control; (ii) clicks solicited or impressions generated by payment of money, false representation or requests for end users to click Ads or take other actions; (iii) Ads served to end users whose browsers have JavaScript disabled; and (iv) clicks or impressions co-mingled with a significant amount of the activity described in (i, ii and iii) above. In addition to our other rights and remedies, we may (a) withhold and offset any payments owed to you under the Agreement against any fees that you owe us under the Agreement or any other agreement or (b) require you to refund us within 30 days of any invoice, any amounts that we may have overpaid to you in prior periods. If you dispute any payment made or withheld relating to the Services, you must notify Google in writing within 30 days of any such payment. If you do not, any claim relating to the disputed payment is waived. If an advertiser whose Ads are displayed on any Property defaults on payment to Google, we may withhold payment or charge back your account.To ensure proper payment, you are responsible for providing and maintaining accurate contact and payment information in your Account. You are responsible for any charges assessed by your bank or payment provider.6. TaxesAs between you and Google, Google is responsible for all taxes (if any) associated with the transactions between Google and advertisers in connection with Ads displayed on the Properties. You are responsible for all taxes (if any) associated with the Services, other than taxes based on Google’s net income. All payments to you from Google in relation to the Services will be treated as inclusive of tax (if applicable) and will not be adjusted. 7. Intellectual Property; Brand FeaturesOther than as set out expressly in the Agreement, neither party will acquire any right, title or interest in any intellectual property rights belonging to the other party or to the other party’s licensors.If Google provides you with software in connection with the Services, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable licence for use of such software. This licence is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the Services as provided by Google, in the manner permitted by the Agreement. Google warrants that such software will for a period of 90 days from the date of its supply to you be free from any defect which has a materially adverse effect on its use or operation. Other than distributing content via the AdMob SDK, you may not copy, modify, distribute, sell or lease any part of our Services or included software, nor may you reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code of that software, unless laws prohibit those restrictions or you have our written permission. You will not remove, obscure or alter Google's copyright notice, Brand Features or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained within any Google services, software or documentation.We grant you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable licence to use Google’s trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names and other distinctive brand features (“Brand Features”) solely in connection with your use of the Services and in accordance with the Agreement and the Google Branding Guidelines. We may revoke this licence at any time. Any goodwill arising from your use of Google’s Brand Features will belong to Google.We may include your name and Brand Features in our presentations, marketing materials, customer lists and financial reports.8. PrivacyOur privacy policy explains how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when you use our Services. By using our Services, you agree that Google can use such data in accordance with our privacy policy.You will ensure that at all times you use the Services, the Properties have a clearly labelled and easily accessible privacy policy that provides end users with clear and comprehensive information about cookies, device-specific information, location information and other information stored on, accessed on or collected from end users’ devices in connection with the Services, including, as applicable, information about end users’ options for cookie management. You will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that an end user gives consent to the storing and accessing of cookies, device-specific information, location information or other information on the end user's device in connection with the Services where such consent is required by law.9. ConfidentialityYou agree not to disclose Google Confidential Information without our prior written consent. "Google Confidential Information" includes: (a) all Google software, technology and documentation relating to the Services; (b) click-through rates or other statistics relating to Property performance as pertaining to the Services; (c) the existence of, and information about, beta features in a Service; and (d) any other information made available by Google that is marked confidential or would normally be considered confidential under the circumstances in which it is presented. Google Confidential Information does not include information that you already knew prior to your use of the Services, that becomes public through no fault of yours, that was independently developed by you or that was lawfully given to you by a third party. Notwithstanding this Section 9, you may accurately disclose the amount of Google’s gross payments resulting from your use of the Services. 10. TerminationYou may terminate the Agreement at any time by completing the account cancellation process. The Agreement will be considered terminated within 10 working days of Google's receipt of your notice. If you terminate the Agreement and your earned balance equals or exceeds the applicable threshold, we will pay you your earned balance within approximately 90 days after the end of the calendar month in which the Agreement is terminated. Any earned balance below the applicable threshold will remain unpaid.Google may at any time terminate the Agreement, or suspend or terminate the participation of any Property in the Services for any reason. If we terminate the Agreement due to your breach or due to invalid activity, we may withhold unpaid amounts or charge back your account. If you breach the Agreement or Google suspends or terminates your Account, you (i) will not be allowed to create a new Account and (ii) may not be permitted to monetise content on other Google products.11. Indemnity You agree to indemnify and defend Google, its affiliates, agents and advertisers from and against any and all third-party claims and liabilities arising out of or related to the Properties, including any content served on the Properties that is not provided by Google, your use of the Services or your breach of any term of the Agreement. Google’s advertisers are third-party beneficiaries of this indemnity. 12. Representations; Warranties; DisclaimersYou represent and warrant that (i) you have full power and authority to enter into the Agreement; (ii) you are the owner of, or are legally authorised to act on behalf of the owner of, each Property; (iii) you are the technical and editorial decision maker in relation to each Property on which the Services are implemented and that you have control over the way in which the Services are implemented on each Property; (iv) Google has never previously terminated or otherwise disabled an AdSense account created by you due to your breach of the Agreement or due to invalid activity; (v) entering into or performing under the Agreement will not violate any agreement you have with a third party or any third-party rights; and (vi) all of the information provided by you to Google is correct and current.Each party warrants to the other that it will use reasonable care and skill in complying with its obligations under the Agreement.Other than as expressly set out in the Agreement, we do not make any promises about the Services. For example, we don’t make any commitments about the content within the Services, the specific function of the Services, or their profitability, reliability, availability or ability to meet your needs.No conditions, warranties or other terms apply to any Services or to any other goods or services supplied by Google under the Agreement unless expressly set out in the Agreement. No implied conditions, warranties or other terms apply (including any implied terms as to satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose or conformance with description).13. Limitation of LiabilityNothing in the Agreement will exclude or limit either party’s liability for (a) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (b) death or personal injury caused by negligence; or (c) anything which cannot be excluded or limited by law.Neither party shall have any liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) under or in connection with the Agreement for any special, indirect or consequential loss (whether such loss was foreseeable, known or otherwise).Neither party’s aggregate liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) under or in connection with the Agreement shall exceed 125% of the net amount payable by Google to you in the 12 month period immediately preceding the earliest date on which such liability arises.The limitations and exclusions of liability in this Section 13 shall not apply in respect of any liability that you may incur under Section 7 (Intellectual Property; Brand Features), Section 9 (Confidentiality) or Section 11 (Indemnity).14. MiscellaneousEntire Agreement; Amendments. The Agreement is our entire agreement relating to your use of the Services and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements on that subject. Neither party will have any right or remedy based on any statement, representation or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently) not expressly set out in the Agreement. This Agreement may be amended (i) in writing where signed by both parties and expressly stated to amend the Agreement, or (ii) as set forth in Section 4, if you keep using the Services after Google modifies the Agreement. Assignment. You may not assign or transfer any of your rights under the Agreement.Independent Contractors. The parties are independent contractors and the Agreement does not create an agency, partnership or joint venture.No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Other than as set forth in Section 11, this Agreement does not create any third-party beneficiary rights.No Waiver. Other than as set forth in Section 5, the failure of either party to enforce any provision of the Agreement will not constitute a waiver.Severability. If it turns out that a particular term of the Agreement is not enforceable, the remainder of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.Survival. Sections 7, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 of these AdSense Terms will survive termination.Governing Law; Venue. The Agreement is governed by English law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in relation to any dispute (contractual or non-contractual) concerning the Agreement.Force Majeure. Neither party will be liable for inadequate performance to the extent caused by a condition (for example, natural disaster, act of war or terrorism, riot, labour condition, governmental action and Internet disturbance) that was beyond the party’s reasonable control.Communications. In connection with your use of the Services, we may contact you regarding service announcements, administrative messages and other information. You may opt out of some of those communications in your Account settings. For information about how to contact Google, please visit our contact page.* * *15. Service-Specific TermsIf you choose to implement any of the following Services on a Property, you also agree to the additional terms identified below:AdMob: the AdMob Publisher Guidelines and Policies.Custom Search Engine: the Custom Search Engine Terms of Service.

domingo, 14 de agosto de 2016

Euclides Ginga De Carvalho: EGC

Euclides Ginga De Carvalho: EGC

Termos e condições do AdSensePara começar a exibir anúncios, leia e aceite nossos Termos e Condições abaixo.Google AdSense Online Terms of Service1. Welcome to AdSense!Thanks for your interest in our search and advertising services (the “Services”)! By using our Services, you agree to these terms (the “AdSense Terms”), the AdSense Programme Policies, and the Google Branding Guidelines (collectively, the “Agreement”). If ever in conflict, to the extent of such conflict, the AdSense Terms will take precedence over any other terms of the Agreement. Please read the Agreement carefully.As used in the Agreement, “you” or “publisher” means the individual or entity using the Services (and/or any individual, entity or successor entity, agency or network acting on your behalf), “we”, “us” or “Google” means Google Ireland Ltd., and the “parties” means you and Google. 2. Access to the Services; AdSense AccountsYour use of the Services is subject to your creation and our approval of an AdSense account (an “Account”). We have the right to refuse or limit your access to the Services. By submitting an application to use the Services, if you are an individual, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age. You may only have one Account. By enrolling in AdSense, you permit Google to serve, as applicable, (i) advertisements and other content (“Ads”), (ii) Google search boxes and search results and (iii) related search queries and other links to your websites, mobile applications, media players, mobile content and/or other properties approved by Google (each individually a “Property”). In addition, you grant Google the right to access, index and cache the Properties, or any portion thereof, including by automated means. Google may refuse to provide the Services to any Property.Any Property that is a software application and accesses our Services (a) may require preapproval by Google in writing, and (b) must comply with Google’s Software Principles.3. Using our ServicesYou may use our Services only as permitted by this Agreement and any applicable laws. Don’t misuse our Services. For example, don’t interfere with our Services or try to access them using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide.You may discontinue your use of any Service at any time by removing the relevant code from your Properties. 4. Changes to our Services; Changes to the AgreementWe are constantly changing and improving our Services. We may add or remove functionalities or features of the Services at any time, and we may suspend or stop a Service altogether.We may modify the Agreement at any time. We’ll post any modifications to the AdSense Terms on this page and any modifications to the AdSense Programme Policies or the Google Branding Guidelines on their respective pages. Changes will not apply retroactively and generally will become effective 14 days after they are posted. However, changes addressing new functions for a Service or changes made for legal reasons will be effective immediately. If you don’t agree to any modified terms in the Agreement, you’ll have to stop using the affected Services.5. PaymentsSubject to this Section 5 and Section 10 of these AdSense Terms, you will receive a payment related to the number of valid clicks on Ads displayed on your Properties, the number of valid impressions of Ads displayed on your Properties, or other valid events performed in connection with the display of Ads on your Properties, in each case as determined by Google. Except in the event of termination, we will pay you by the end of the calendar month following any calendar month in which the earned balance in your Account equals or exceeds the applicable payment threshold. If you implement search Services, our payments may be offset by any applicable fees for such Services.Unless expressly authorised in writing by Google, you may not enter into any type of arrangement with a third party where that third party receives payments made to you under the Agreement or other financial benefit in relation to the Services.Payments will be calculated solely based on our accounting. Payments to you may be withheld to reflect or adjusted to exclude any amounts refunded or credited to advertisers and any amounts arising from invalid activity, as determined by Google in its sole discretion. Invalid activity is determined by Google in all cases and includes, but is not limited to, (i) spam, invalid queries, invalid impressions or invalid clicks on Ads generated by any person, bot, automated programme or similar device, including through any clicks or impressions originating from your IP addresses or computers under your control; (ii) clicks solicited or impressions generated by payment of money, false representation or requests for end users to click Ads or take other actions; (iii) Ads served to end users whose browsers have JavaScript disabled; and (iv) clicks or impressions co-mingled with a significant amount of the activity described in (i, ii and iii) above. In addition to our other rights and remedies, we may (a) withhold and offset any payments owed to you under the Agreement against any fees that you owe us under the Agreement or any other agreement or (b) require you to refund us within 30 days of any invoice, any amounts that we may have overpaid to you in prior periods. If you dispute any payment made or withheld relating to the Services, you must notify Google in writing within 30 days of any such payment. If you do not, any claim relating to the disputed payment is waived. If an advertiser whose Ads are displayed on any Property defaults on payment to Google, we may withhold payment or charge back your account.To ensure proper payment, you are responsible for providing and maintaining accurate contact and payment information in your Account. You are responsible for any charges assessed by your bank or payment provider.6. TaxesAs between you and Google, Google is responsible for all taxes (if any) associated with the transactions between Google and advertisers in connection with Ads displayed on the Properties. You are responsible for all taxes (if any) associated with the Services, other than taxes based on Google’s net income. All payments to you from Google in relation to the Services will be treated as inclusive of tax (if applicable) and will not be adjusted. 7. Intellectual Property; Brand FeaturesOther than as set out expressly in the Agreement, neither party will acquire any right, title or interest in any intellectual property rights belonging to the other party or to the other party’s licensors.If Google provides you with software in connection with the Services, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable licence for use of such software. This licence is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the Services as provided by Google, in the manner permitted by the Agreement. Google warrants that such software will for a period of 90 days from the date of its supply to you be free from any defect which has a materially adverse effect on its use or operation. Other than distributing content via the AdMob SDK, you may not copy, modify, distribute, sell or lease any part of our Services or included software, nor may you reverse engineer or attempt to extract the source code of that software, unless laws prohibit those restrictions or you have our written permission. You will not remove, obscure or alter Google's copyright notice, Brand Features or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained within any Google services, software or documentation.We grant you a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable licence to use Google’s trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names and other distinctive brand features (“Brand Features”) solely in connection with your use of the Services and in accordance with the Agreement and the Google Branding Guidelines. We may revoke this licence at any time. Any goodwill arising from your use of Google’s Brand Features will belong to Google.We may include your name and Brand Features in our presentations, marketing materials, customer lists and financial reports.8. PrivacyOur privacy policy explains how we treat your personal data and protect your privacy when you use our Services. By using our Services, you agree that Google can use such data in accordance with our privacy policy.You will ensure that at all times you use the Services, the Properties have a clearly labelled and easily accessible privacy policy that provides end users with clear and comprehensive information about cookies, device-specific information, location information and other information stored on, accessed on or collected from end users’ devices in connection with the Services, including, as applicable, information about end users’ options for cookie management. You will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that an end user gives consent to the storing and accessing of cookies, device-specific information, location information or other information on the end user's device in connection with the Services where such consent is required by law.9. ConfidentialityYou agree not to disclose Google Confidential Information without our prior written consent. "Google Confidential Information" includes: (a) all Google software, technology and documentation relating to the Services; (b) click-through rates or other statistics relating to Property performance as pertaining to the Services; (c) the existence of, and information about, beta features in a Service; and (d) any other information made available by Google that is marked confidential or would normally be considered confidential under the circumstances in which it is presented. Google Confidential Information does not include information that you already knew prior to your use of the Services, that becomes public through no fault of yours, that was independently developed by you or that was lawfully given to you by a third party. Notwithstanding this Section 9, you may accurately disclose the amount of Google’s gross payments resulting from your use of the Services. 10. TerminationYou may terminate the Agreement at any time by completing the account cancellation process. The Agreement will be considered terminated within 10 working days of Google's receipt of your notice. If you terminate the Agreement and your earned balance equals or exceeds the applicable threshold, we will pay you your earned balance within approximately 90 days after the end of the calendar month in which the Agreement is terminated. Any earned balance below the applicable threshold will remain unpaid.Google may at any time terminate the Agreement, or suspend or terminate the participation of any Property in the Services for any reason. If we terminate the Agreement due to your breach or due to invalid activity, we may withhold unpaid amounts or charge back your account. If you breach the Agreement or Google suspends or terminates your Account, you (i) will not be allowed to create a new Account and (ii) may not be permitted to monetise content on other Google products.11. Indemnity You agree to indemnify and defend Google, its affiliates, agents and advertisers from and against any and all third-party claims and liabilities arising out of or related to the Properties, including any content served on the Properties that is not provided by Google, your use of the Services or your breach of any term of the Agreement. Google’s advertisers are third-party beneficiaries of this indemnity. 12. Representations; Warranties; DisclaimersYou represent and warrant that (i) you have full power and authority to enter into the Agreement; (ii) you are the owner of, or are legally authorised to act on behalf of the owner of, each Property; (iii) you are the technical and editorial decision maker in relation to each Property on which the Services are implemented and that you have control over the way in which the Services are implemented on each Property; (iv) Google has never previously terminated or otherwise disabled an AdSense account created by you due to your breach of the Agreement or due to invalid activity; (v) entering into or performing under the Agreement will not violate any agreement you have with a third party or any third-party rights; and (vi) all of the information provided by you to Google is correct and current.Each party warrants to the other that it will use reasonable care and skill in complying with its obligations under the Agreement.Other than as expressly set out in the Agreement, we do not make any promises about the Services. For example, we don’t make any commitments about the content within the Services, the specific function of the Services, or their profitability, reliability, availability or ability to meet your needs.No conditions, warranties or other terms apply to any Services or to any other goods or services supplied by Google under the Agreement unless expressly set out in the Agreement. No implied conditions, warranties or other terms apply (including any implied terms as to satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose or conformance with description).13. Limitation of LiabilityNothing in the Agreement will exclude or limit either party’s liability for (a) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (b) death or personal injury caused by negligence; or (c) anything which cannot be excluded or limited by law.Neither party shall have any liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) under or in connection with the Agreement for any special, indirect or consequential loss (whether such loss was foreseeable, known or otherwise).Neither party’s aggregate liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) under or in connection with the Agreement shall exceed 125% of the net amount payable by Google to you in the 12 month period immediately preceding the earliest date on which such liability arises.The limitations and exclusions of liability in this Section 13 shall not apply in respect of any liability that you may incur under Section 7 (Intellectual Property; Brand Features), Section 9 (Confidentiality) or Section 11 (Indemnity).14. MiscellaneousEntire Agreement; Amendments. The Agreement is our entire agreement relating to your use of the Services and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements on that subject. Neither party will have any right or remedy based on any statement, representation or warranty (whether made negligently or innocently) not expressly set out in the Agreement. This Agreement may be amended (i) in writing where signed by both parties and expressly stated to amend the Agreement, or (ii) as set forth in Section 4, if you keep using the Services after Google modifies the Agreement. Assignment. You may not assign or transfer any of your rights under the Agreement.Independent Contractors. The parties are independent contractors and the Agreement does not create an agency, partnership or joint venture.No Third-Party Beneficiaries. Other than as set forth in Section 11, this Agreement does not create any third-party beneficiary rights.No Waiver. Other than as set forth in Section 5, the failure of either party to enforce any provision of the Agreement will not constitute a waiver.Severability. If it turns out that a particular term of the Agreement is not enforceable, the remainder of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.Survival. Sections 7, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 of these AdSense Terms will survive termination.Governing Law; Venue. The Agreement is governed by English law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts in relation to any dispute (contractual or non-contractual) concerning the Agreement.Force Majeure. Neither party will be liable for inadequate performance to the extent caused by a condition (for example, natural disaster, act of war or terrorism, riot, labour condition, governmental action and Internet disturbance) that was beyond the party’s reasonable control.Communications. In connection with your use of the Services, we may contact you regarding service announcements, administrative messages and other information. You may opt out of some of those communications in your Account settings. For information about how to contact Google, please visit our contact page.* * *15. Service-Specific TermsIf you choose to implement any of the following Services on a Property, you also agree to the additional terms identified below:AdMob: the AdMob Publisher Guidelines and Policies.Custom Search Engine: the Custom Search Engine Terms of Service.